Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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ICEHST Set-Up Programs
The ICEHST setup system includes the Auto Set-up of the US Robotics
HST Modem for both BBS and Home use. If use is for PCBOARD, RBBS, FIDO,
Answer or Callout use, HSTAUTO sets all parameters. See the end of this
text file for actual setup parameters.
HSTAUTO will create a file called MODEM.SET that is an ASCII text
file containing the modem setting after HSTAUTO is run. This is for
those who desire such information.
This software may not be altered or modified in anyway, and is under
Copyright by I.C.E Software, Box 1507, Aspen Colorado 81612, and is under
the Public Domain Software distibution Policy of I.C.E., and may be copied
as needed. It may not be sold without Written authorization by I.C.E.
Software unless otherwise specified or unless distributed by Bulliten Board
or Common Access systems.
Appendix "A"
HSTAUTO Specific Parameters
C = 1 Transmitter enabled
E = 0 Command Code Echo is Off
F = 1 On-Line Echo is off (Duplex to terminal)
M = 1 Speaker is on until Connect to Remote Modem
Q = 0 Result Codes Displayed to Terminal (Computer)
V = 1 Verbal Result Codes (Connect 9600 ARQ, BUSY Etc.)
X = 4 Fast Dial Result Code Set
B = 1 US Answer Standard
S2 = 255 Disable ESC Character
&A = 1 ARQ Codes are Displayed
&H = 3 Both Hardware & Software Flow Contols
&I = 0 Disable XON/XOFF Flow Control of received data
&M = 4 Auto ARQ (MNP) Detection
&N = 0 Variable Link Rate According to Remote modem - Baud rate to
terminal (Computer remains at opening speed) - Most Desireable
&P = 0 North American Make/Break Ratio
&R = 2 Data to terminal (Computer) only During RTS High
&S = 1 Modem Controls DSR Always
&Y = 1 Destructive Expedited - Modem Clears Buffer and sends Break
to remote modem.
&B = 1 (19200 Baud) Normal Terminal Baud Rate to Modem Fixed
&B = 0 (300 - 9600 Baud) Normal Terminal Baud Rate to Modem Variable
With the Auto option, the host (Terminal, Computer) baud rate will remain
at the specified rate, and the modem will convert the connect rate of the
remote modem to that specifed rate, thus no autobaud or baud rate change will
be neccacary if 19200 baud rate is specifed in the setup, otherwise, the baud
must be changed or autobauded to the connect rate of the remote modem.
I.E. If the setup specifies 19200 modem baud rate, then connection to
300 thru 19200 will not effect the terminal or computer baud rate, but if
9600 baud or less is specified in the setup, then the terminal or computer
must autobaud (change the baud rate) to the connect rate of the remote modem
before communications can begin.